Photos I made in the past years and where I got really close-up!
Month: November 2018
Crab cactus
They bloom again! Late November and it is beautiful. I have three in three different colors. Red, white and salmon colored. Too bad they bloom such a short time. The rest of the year they will look a bit boring again. The salmon one had already withered after a week, so pictures of this plant READ MORE
The big cats are among my favorite subjects to photograph. Unfortunately, they’re not always the perfect model. Very often they are sleeping and in hiding or very boring. Sometimes if you are lucky, the eyes are open. And even less often they come into action. I share a collection of big cats from the past READ MORE
Lily of the Incas
Alstroemeria A collection of flowers. I have not bought them for a while. Most of the photos are a few years old already. Partly new edited. So much color, beautiful stamens, really beautiful to photograph. They are also in the vase for a long time. What else coud we wish for…. So, Alstroemeria š
Barbary macaques
Barbary macaques, they start their lives as wrinkly old people. Cute, but not really the prettiest. After a while they become funny playful and mischievous kids. Nice to look at! They love water. In warm weather you can see them playing in it in the Apenheul. As adults they enjoy grooming eachother, they look so READ MORE
Orchids at the Orchideeƫn Hoeve
Here it finally is, a blog about the OrchideeĆ«n Hoeve with orchid photos š Photos I made during my most recent visit and also a couple of years ago. I like orchids. I have 16 plants at home. Different types and colors. The plants bloom again every year. Throughout the year I have a few READ MORE
Birds at the Orchideeƫn Hoeve
Photos taken at the Orchideeƫn Hoeve. Birds this time. With the last expansion, a lot has of birds have been added. The enclosure is called Makirijk (Lemur country), but it is also a large flight cage with beautiful colorful birds. For me the birds are the most important, because I have already photographed many lemurs READ MORE
Flower splendor at the Orchideeƫn Hoeve
A whole series of photos from my visit to the OrchideeĆ«n Hoeve. This is my third post, and I have not yet posted any Orchids! Pretty crazy of course š There is a chance that my fourth post on this visit does not contain orchids either. That is not because they are not there. But READ MORE
Flowers are beautiful, but often and certainly in autumn, just the leaves are beautiful! A post with beautiful colored leaves.
Last week I visited the Orchideeƫn Hoeve in Luttelgeest. As always,I loved it! The greenhouses with orchids were somewhat bare. I thinkt it was harvested recently. But this was amply compensated by the many other beautiful flowers. Striking were also the beautiful hibiscus bushes in the tropical garden and butterfly garden. So many different colors. READ MORE