Renewed edition

Beautiful weather, but too hot for me. So I switch to a hot weather schedule. Rise early and a siesta in the afternoon. Today it meant a bridge to bridge walk at 7 o’clock in the morning. Wonderful! Rest, nature, cool temperture, feeling good. The bridge to bridge is for me, from the Derksbridge to READ MORE


Last week I saw during the break that there are lots of geese at the Drostenkamp ponds, with lots of chicks. Oof course I had to go there on my day off. The first thing you notice is that there are many geese, much more than in other years. It seems that the geese that READ MORE

Bugs and a butterfly

Today and yesterday I walked at the Tichelgaten. This is an area in the flood plains of the IJssel. It is a wetland area that was created by excavating clay for a brick factory that was active there in the past. Nature has taken over completely. There are so many plants and animals, especially waterfowl READ MORE

Flower play

The title of this blog is Flower play. I gave it that title because I play with flowers. Playing is here: searching for a special image of a flower, by playing with light, depth of field and direction of the photo. I regularly buy flowers, usually not a bouquet, but single flowers. Only flowers that READ MORE