
Almost every year I buy fuchsias. They are beautiful flowers to look at. The shape also makes it beautiful subjects to photograph. Unfortunately, they are very sensitive to aphids. I never kill insects, because they all have a function in nature. The aphids can cause so much damage to the plants that I do try READ MORE

Black and white big cats

Primates, birds of prey and big cats are my favorite subjects to photograph. In addition, I actually love all nature and all animals. Because until a few months ago I mainly made portraits, I have a lot of portraits of big cats. Three of the photos below are published for the first time. The other READ MORE

With a smile on your face

More old photos, made from 2014 to 2020. Photos showing animals with a smile, that might bring a smile on your face even in these difficult times. I know animal facial expressions are not like our expressions. Most photos are lucky shots and they are not realy smiling. But it looks nice 🙂 Have fun! READ MORE


Another post with old photos. I last visited a zoo in February. It will probably take a while before we can go there again. I went through my older photos. I always make a lot of them, but by no means share them all. Sometimes they are not as I intended them to be, or I don’t have enough time. I READ MORE