A camera with which you can call!

The balance on my savings account has shrunk considerably. You get that when you buy very expensive things. I would not pay so that money for a mobile phone, but for a camera. So I bought a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, especially for the camera. So a camera with what you can also call 😉 It arrived on the day he was launched in the Netherlands. Nice! Being so early has the disadvantage that you can find few tips and tricks videos. That is why I watched videos of older versions.

Wednesday I went to the Orchideeën Hoeve with only this smartphone. It was my intention to shoot everything in RAW. No idea what I did exactly, but I already lost that setting after the third photo. I found out when I wanted to edit at home. A pity, but not so bad. It was primarily a test. One of the test results is: Anja still has to learn a lot about this device 😀

The most important test result is that you can take beautiful photos with this phone. Lots of details and beautiful colors, also at a great distance. I have not done landscape yet, but I am convinced that that will be beautiful too. I have photographed that what I normally do, then you have the best compare. It is not like from the DSLR, but that can largely be due to my inexperience. The bag that you take with you is a lot lighter.

Will never use the DSLR again? Of course I will. My visits to zoos will still be with that camera with lenses. But with other outings, I can use this mobile. I do still need a lot of practice 😉

Photos from Wednesday, which are an example of what you can do with this smartphone. Most photos are minimally edited, except the last one.








Groene leguaan - Green iguana
Groene leguaan – Green iguana




Regenbooglori - Rainbow Lorikeet
Regenbooglori – Rainbow Lorikeet








Reuzentoekan - Toco toucan
Reuzentoekan – Toco toucan




Regenbooglori - Rainbow Lorikeet
Regenbooglori – Rainbow Lorikeet




Ara - Macaw
Ara – Macaw




Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid








Ara - Macaw
Ara – Macaw



These photo’s were taken here:

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