A walk at Schoonheten

Viburnum opulus?

The weather was beautiful again today. Wonderful weather for a walk. Today I went to Schoonheten hoping to photograph mushrooms. Unfortunately, I have hardly seen them. I didn’t think it was worth photographing what was there. It may be too dry. But I’m going to make a new attempt this autumn. A lot of wood had been cut since I was there last. On the one hand, I often find that a shame. The advantage is that the estate is much more visible.


Havezate Schoonheten - Estate Schoonheten
Estate Schoonheten


There are several holly bushes along the sand road. There are quite a lot of berries. Nice!


Hulst - Holly



Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves


Further on I was surprised by beautiful pink-red colors. Very soft tones with beautiful red berries. New to me, I can not remember having seen this before. Magnificent!


Viburnum opulus?
Viburnum opulus?


The hawthorn also has berries.


Meidoorn - Hawthorn


What I always like is how curious cows are. I was completely followed and observed. They all came a few steps closer, not to miss anything. There are apparently not many walkers there.


Koe - Cow


The last part I walked through the forest again. The small lake that is there is almost dry. I hope that rain will come soon. Nature needs it!


Bospad - Forest path
Forest path



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