Butterflies in the Orchideeënhoeve


Yesterday I visited the Orchideeënhoeve in Luttelgeest. A wonderful place that had a whole new fly cage with beautiful birds and with ringtailed makis. It looks great and the animals have a lot of space. I love going there. It is spending a day in the tropics only one hours drive away. There is also a butterfly garden. I’m sharing shots of butterflies I made there.







Heliconius hewitsoni
Heliconius hewitsoni



Greta oto
Greta oto



Heliconius Charithonia
Heliconius Charithonia



Heliconius hewitsoni
Heliconius hewitsoni



Heliconius numata
Heliconius numata



Heliconius hewitsoni
Heliconius hewitsoni



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