
Greylag goose chick

Last week I saw during the break that there are lots of geese at the Drostenkamp ponds, with lots of chicks. Oof course I had to go there on my day off.

The first thing you notice is that there are many geese, much more than in other years. It seems that the geese that were born last year have all returned. There are groups of single geese.

Greylag geese
Greylag geese

Like every year, there are egyptian geese. What is striking is that there are no chicks yet. Other years they were the first with a family.

Egyptian goose
Egyptian goose

And of course there are ducks, but ducklings I have not seen yet.


There are a lot of greylag families, with chicks from a day old to chicks that already have feathers. A few greylag geese are not purebred. These are descendants of a white domestic goose that has raised a family for a few seasons. Father gray goose was always out of the picture. Mother did everything alone. Her children now have chicks themselves.

To lure the geese I brought bread. A few pieces in the water, and there they come …

Greylag geese
Greylag geese

Blue eyes and more white than a greylag goose should have. No doubt about it! White geese blood 🙂

Greylag geese
Greylag geese

The geese love the bread. The geese also come to me on the grass. Mom and dad show me that the don’t want me to come too close to the children. Head low and hissing!

Domestic goose
Domestic goose

For the first time this year there is also a completely white geese family. Both parents are white and also hissing to me and the other geese. Stay away!

What is striking is that the chicks are not yellow. Probably there are greylag geese in the ancestors.

Greylag goose
Greylag goose

The chicks are not afraid. The biggest ones come very close. One eats from my hand. So cute!

Greylag goose chick
Greylag goose chick

I made hundreds of photos. Sitting on the ground between lots of goose children. So sweet!

Greylag goose chick
Greylag goose chick

Nice to see how they go to test and taste everything.

Greylag goose chick
Greylag goose chick

Everything under the supervision of two attentive parents. They are busy. One family had 16 chicks. Pfft! And I felt busy with my twins: P

Greylag goose
Greylag goose
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