Early birds

Crocus and bee

Early birds is a literal translation of the Dutch :”vroege vogels”. I’m not sure if it has the same meaning as it has in Dutch. For us it means the first ones to arrive.

Sunday morning, time for a walk. Didn’t feel like taking my 150-600 mm lens. Too heavy and I didn’t think I could shoot much with it. After a while of walking I started to get grumpy. Lots of nice birds. All too far away for my 16-300mm lens. Grumble the grumble! I always take the wrong lens with me! Beautiful grebes swam on the canal, where people were skating last weekend. Too far away again. Grumble the grumble!

And on again. And there I saw them. Purple crocuses among the bushes. Beautiful! My 16-300 lens is perfect for that. So down and on my butt on the forest floor. And then, bees. Buzz buzz buzz. The first of 2021. Early birds! So I still photographed “birds”. 😉

Later during the walk I also saw my first butterflies of 202. Common brimstones. Magnificent! It is all so strange. Last weekend still 15 ° of frost and now more than 15 ° above zero. And then it is spring in one swoop. Wonderful!







Crocus and bee
Crocus and bee




Crocus and bee
Crocus and bee




















Crocus and bee
Crocus and bee


And a few more with my cell phone, to show my mother right away. And while I’m adjusting for a crocus, one bee lands on that flower. That is really a lucky shot 😀


Crocus - smartphone
Crocus – smartphone




Crocus and bee - smartphone
Crocus and bee – smartphone




Crocus - smartphone
Crocus – smartphone




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