
Pauw - Peacock

For years I have tried to photograph a peacock . In itself I succeeded, but never while the beautiful tail feathers are up. A while ago it finally worked out in Naturzoo Rheine. While I was standing right on top of it, a beautiful peacock gave a full performance. So beautiful! I took a lot of pictures. I share some of it below. Supplemented with photos I’ve taken before.

Lots of fun!

Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock (Artis 2018)
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock (Artis 2018)
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock (Naturzoo Rheine 2019)
Pauw - Peacock
Pauw – Peacock (Naturzoo Rheine 2019)

These photos were taken here:

And here:

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