The king of Burgers Zoo

During my visits to Burgers Zoo it is not always possible to take pictures of the Lions. Photos that are worth the effort. Lions are simply very lazy most of the day. Just like all cats. This time I was lucky. Initially there was little to see and the windows were very foggy. I then moved on to another part of Safari, where I took photos that I shared in my previous posts. But then I heard a huge roar. I thought: Yes! Action! 🙂

The windows were still very wet, but it was still possible to take reasonable pictures through a few drier spots. And then you see this beautiful lion. The two ladies lay neatly with their backside to the window. Unfortunately! But this gentleman was a great model.



Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion



Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion



Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion



Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion



Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion



Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion



These photos were taken here:

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