Timons’ relatives

Stokstaartje - Meerkat

For everyone who did not yet know meerkats, the most famous meerkat Timon came into the world. Together with friend Pumba he became world famous for the Disney movie The Lion King.

But the real meerkats are also regularly seen as film stars in nature films. They are so much fun. That is exactly why I do not always share them on the internet. There are so many photos and videos in circulation.

Now I have taken many photos of the whole family in Burgers Zoo. Complete with very sweet children. They walk around a bit clumsy and try to sit up straight. So cute of course. Therefore, here is Timon’s family.



Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat




Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat



Just stretch after a nap.



Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat




Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat




Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat




Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat


Would more young come from the round belly?


Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat




Stokstaartje - Meerkat
Stokstaartje – Meerkat




These photos were taken here:



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