Yesterday I was in Planckendael with a photography friend, a zoo near Mechelen in Belgium. The weather was lovely and we enjoyed it a lot. What is special, is that the animals are very spacious housed. The elephants also have a lot of space. You can see that they enjoy the water. A beautiful sight. There are 8 elephants of which two adorable little ones. So beautiful to look at. I share a number of photos that I have made.
The first thing I saw was how the elephants enjoy the water. The water is deep and they can be completely covered. There is also a lot of space in the water. The little ones are fully in it too.

One of the two little ones in action.

Of course, there has to be a short chat over the wall with the neighbor. The young man lives in a “room” next to the ladies with their young.

Underwater swimming is of course a lot easier with such a built-in snorkel: P

There also a lot of sand-throwing. I also made a lot of photos of that. Timing is very important here, because one time you do not see sand and the other time the elephant has disappeared 🙂

Unfortunately, I was not satisfied with any of the “sand-throwing” photos. The ladies were not to blame for that, they did their best to be a good model. See here the perfect pose, so …..

Here comes one of the mothers with her child. Wonderful sight!

I don’t like the wall as a background. Therefore I’m also sharing a composite with a different background.