Elephants in Planckendael

Aziatische olifant
Asian elephant

Yesterday I was in Planckendael with a photography friend, a zoo near Mechelen in Belgium. The weather was lovely and we enjoyed it a lot. What is special, is that the animals are very spacious housed. The elephants also have a lot of space. You can see that they enjoy the water. A beautiful sight. There are 8 elephants of which two adorable little ones. So beautiful to look at. I share a number of photos that I have made.

The first thing I saw was how the elephants enjoy the water. The water is deep and they can be completely covered. There is also a lot of space in the water. The little ones are fully in it too.

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

One of the two little ones in action.

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

Of course, there has to be a short chat over the wall with the neighbor. The young man lives in a “room” next to the ladies with their young.

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

Underwater swimming is of course a lot easier with such a built-in snorkel: P

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

There also a lot of sand-throwing. I also made a lot of photos of that. Timing is very important here, because one time you do not see sand and the other time the elephant has disappeared 🙂

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

Unfortunately, I was not satisfied with any of the “sand-throwing” photos. The ladies were not to blame for that, they did their best to be a good model. See here the perfect pose, so …..

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

Here comes one of the mothers with her child. Wonderful sight!

Asian elephant
Asian elephant

I don’t like the wall as a background. Therefore I’m also sharing a composite with a different background.

Asian elephant
Asian elephant
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