2020 leftovers 1

Rode vari - Red ruffed lemur (Artis)

Lockdown, so no new photos. Time to go through my photos from 2020. From every visit, there are photos that don’t fit in to a post. I usually have a theme for a post. So now I’m posting leftovers. There are a lot of leftovers. Enough for at least 2 posts, so stay tuned!

Have fun!


“What is that smell!?”

Rode vari - Red ruffed lemur (Artis)
Rode vari – Red ruffed lemur (Artis)




Mara (Naturzoo Rheine)
Mara (Naturzoo Rheine)




Watervaraan - Asian water monitor (Burgers Zoo)
Watervaraan – Asian water monitor (Burgers Zoo)




Sumatraanse tijgers - Sumatran tigers (Burgers Zoo)
Sumatraanse tijgers – Sumatran tigers (Burgers Zoo)




Impala (Wildlands)
Impala (Wildlands)




Leeuw - Lion (Allwetter Zoo)
Leeuw – Lion (Allwetter Zoo)




Rothschildgiraffe - Rothschild's giraffe (Wildlands)
Rothschildgiraffe – Rothschild’s giraffe (Wildlands)




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