A soft face

Goudwanggibbon - Yellow-cheeked gibbon

After the heat wave it was finally cool today. Great weather to go to a zoo. At ten to nine I stood in front of the Burgers Zoo entrance. Rain was expected in the afternoon, starting early seemed like a good idea. And tit was. It was great weather to be outside. I had some animals in mind that I wanted to photograph. I was not very lucky with everything. The tigers had hidden themselves and several others lay or sat with their backs to the audience and had no intention of turning around.

Today I was lucky with a sweet soft face in the Rimba. This golden cheeked gibbon lady was sitting against the glass. I was alone at the enclosure. A chance to make contact. She kept looking at me. So pretty and sweet. I do think these monkeys always look a bit sad. I think it’s because of the construction of their faces. Even the youngsters who play and play happily have such a sad look.


Goudwanggibbon - Yellow-cheeked gibbon
Goudwanggibbon – Yellow-cheeked gibbon



Goudwanggibbon - Yellow-cheeked gibbon
Goudwanggibbon – Yellow-cheeked gibbon



Goudwanggibbon - Yellow-cheeked gibbon
Goudwanggibbon – Yellow-cheeked gibbon



Goudwanggibbon - Yellow-cheeked gibbon
Goudwanggibbon – Yellow-cheeked gibbon



Goudwanggibbon - Yellow-cheeked gibbon
Goudwanggibbon – Yellow-cheeked gibbon


These photos were taken here:


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