AI & me

Toekan - Tucan (Avifauna Dec. 2017)

Months ago I announced that I would be sharing a new AI experiment. That took much longer than intended. Now the time has come.

Below you will find images that are a combination of a photo by me and an AI background. I always share the unedited photos, followed by the composite. A composite is an image made from multiple images. That is not new to me, but I have not used AI before. The animals are placed in front of or in the AI image. The most important adjustments are mirrored photos, color and noise adjustments and of course “cropping out the animals”. The AI images are low resolution, strangely blurry in places. This whole thing will therefore never look like a real photo. I made an attempt to merge them.

The AI images come from Midjourney. The terms used include: hyperrealism and where the animals are found in the wild. That makes it unrealistic. Colorful and over the top. You can clearly see that it is AI.

See below what I made with it.

Gelada's (Naturzoo Rheine April 2023)
Gelada’s (Naturzoo Rheine April 2023)
Toekan - Tucan (Avifauna Dec. 2017)
Toekan – Tucan (Avifauna Dec. 2017)
Leeuw - Lion (Zooparc Overloon April 2023)
Leeuw – Lion (Zooparc Overloon April 2023)
Dwergflamingo - Pygmy flamingo (Aquazoo September, 2023)
Dwergflamingo – Pygmy flamingo (Aquazoo September, 2023)
Aziatische olifant - Asian Elephant (ZOO Planckendael Aug. 2018)
Aziatische olifant – Asian Elephant (ZOO Planckendael Aug. 2018 & Noorder Dierenpark November 2013)
Vale Gier - Griffon Vulture (Dierenpark Amersfoort Feb. 2015)
Vale Gier – Griffon Vulture (Dierenpark Amersfoort Feb. 2015)
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