Apenheul – a short visit

Today the Apeuheul opened its doors for the first day in 2019. It was only for people with season tickets. The weather was amazing. Great, you would say. But a big change (ICT) did not go as planned and therefore I had to work this morning. When I arrived there were not even 2 hours left. So I came home with only a few photos that were taken far to hasty.

I have a season ticket so there will be more visits and many more photos. I’m sharing some I made today. Enjoy!


Blauwoogmaki - Blue-eyed black lemur
Blauwoogmaki – Blue-eyed black lemur



Berberaap - Barbary macaque
Berberaap – Barbary macaque



Saki - Saki monkey
Saki – Saki monkey



Onbekend - Unknown
Onbekend – Unknown



Boliviaans doodshoofdaapje - Black-capped squirrel monkey
Boliviaans doodshoofdaapje – Black-capped squirrel monkey



Berberaap - Barbary macaque
Berberaap – Barbary macaque



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