Lockdown, so no new photos. Time to go through my photos from 2020. From every visit, there are photos that don’t fit in to a post. I usually have a theme for a post. So now I’m posting leftovers. There are a lot of leftovers. This is my second post and there is more to READ MORE
Author: Anja Wessels
The Guards of Wildlands
Meerkats are among the most perky animals you will encounter in a zoo. They are photographed a lot and also shared on social media. Because you see them so often, I sometimes pass them. But not in Wildlands. Because of the enclosure there, you see them on a whole different level. As always, they keep READ MORE
2020 leftovers 1
Lockdown, so no new photos. Time to go through my photos from 2020. From every visit, there are photos that don’t fit in to a post. I usually have a theme for a post. So now I’m posting leftovers. There are a lot of leftovers. Enough for at least 2 posts, so stay tuned! Have READ MORE
Paddington, Baloo, Teddy and co.
A post with bears. Lots of different bears that I have photographed in the past 5 years. When there are bears in the zoo, I usually make an attempt to take pictures of them. They don’t often end up on my website. I don’t think bears in zoos radiate much. It may also be due READ MORE
Gorillas on Black
The website has the subtitle: “My creative explorations”. This post fits that perfectly. In my previous post I wrote about my plan to photograph all the chimpanzees in Amersfoort Zoo. Then I want to make a nice adaptation of it. I’m now looking for the right way of editing so that photos match. In addition, READ MORE
Amazing chimps
Chimpanzees are my favorite primates. Mike in Amersfoort Zoo was my favorite chimpanzee. Mike is gone. When he was shot I had the feeling that I was going to photograph other animals for the time being. After a visit to DPA I came up with a completely different idea. In the context of: life goes READ MORE
My favorite subjects to photograph? Primates and …… Yes, Cats. Therefore a collection of big cats photographed in different zoos. Have fun! Cat
Love and tenderness
Today a day at Amersfoort Zoo. Two weeks ago I thought, I will not go there for the time being. Immediately after the death Mike and Karibuna I did not feel like it. Today I subscribed to this park. I am now sharing photos of Hamadryas baboons. I have to say, I never liked these READ MORE
Last visit at the Apenheul
This Saturday I went to the Apenheul for the last time this year. I was lucky with the weather. An afternoon dry and a sun was enough. Enjoy the park in autumn colors. It was fun. I am glad I went. Who knows if the zoos will have to close again because of corona. In READ MORE