
Leeuwin - Lioness

The big cats are among my favorite subjects to photograph. Unfortunately, they’re not always the perfect model. Very often they are sleeping and in hiding or very boring. Sometimes if you are lucky, the eyes are open. And even less often they come into action. I share a collection of big cats from the past years. Taken in Artis, Noorderdierenpark, Ouwehands zoo and Dierenpark Amersfoort.

Have fun!

Witte leeuw - White lion
Witte leeuw – White lion
Siberische tijgerSiberian Tiger
Siberische tijger – Siberian Tiger
Leeuwin – Lioness
Leeuw – Lion
Witte tijger - White tiger
Witte tijger – White tiger
Witte leeuw - White lion
Witte leeuw – White lion
Siberische tijgerSiberian Tiger
Siberische tijger – Siberian Tiger
Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness
Witte leeuw - White lion
Witte leeuw – White lion
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  1. Bernard Draper says:

    Beautiful photos Anja ! Are these animals in the zoo in Deventer?

    It is strange, but I was born in Apeldoorn, and while we lived there (1937 – 1947) we had a very good neigbour who lived across the street from us on Berg en Bosweg 9/2..she was a widow but had a son in the war…her last name was also Wessels…any relation?

    Keep shooting those lovely photos..many people wil
    Enjoy them. BEN.

    • Anja Wessels says:

      Dear Bernard Draper,
      Great you like my photography! Maybe in the past there was, but nowadays there is no zoo in Deventer. All photos but one, were taken in Apeldoorn, in the Apenheul. That is very close to whre you used to live. What a coincidence!
      Wessels is a common name in the Netherlands. We are not related.
      Kind regards, Anja

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