Face to face with a prairie dog

Prairie dog

Today I went to Dierenpark Amersfoort. It was a lovely day. I went with the goal to test an extender. That was a flop. I want to buy a super zoom lens at a suitable time. I will have to start saving money!

Even without super zoom, there is much to see in Amersfoort. New is De Prairie with prairie dogs. You see them in many zoos, but here you can photograph them very close and at their own height (without lying with your nose in the sand on the ground). Eye to eye with the prairie dogs. So much fun. A collection of photos from today.

Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog
Prairie dog

They are very curious and come very close. Sometimes just a little too close LOL

Prairie dog
Prairie dog
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