A blog with orangutans. Photos I took last week in the Apenheul. Orangutans are not my favorite primate. They are endearing, but also a bit bizarre with their long arms. On the other hand, those arms are of course meant to live up in the trees. There they are strong and agile. Their awkwardness is probably because we mostly see them on the ground in zoos. They just don’t belong there.
What I always see when I do portraits is that they have such friendly faces. I also admire the care they have towards each other. And of course they are very intelligent.
I would like to give them more space in the Apenheul. I think the indoor enclosure is dark and ugly. The double glass is hopeless for photography. That can be different, I see that in other zoos. It seems very negative, but I think the Apenheul is fantastic! The primates have a lot of space to have an almost natural life. When I go to the Orangutans, I get that feeling less, but I could be completely wrong.