King colobus

West-Afrikaanse franjeaap - King colobus

Since last year, there is a new area with free-range monkeys in the Apenheul. The Apenheul is one of my favourite places to take pictures. The fact that the monkeys have a lot of space and walk and climb freely in the park for a large part, means that you can see them with natural behaviour. It also feels less like a confined animal. In some zoos, that doesn’t feel quite right.

As mentioned, a new area. Also with two new species of monkeys. Last year I had little luck taking pictures there. There are Talapoins and King colobus monkeys. I couldn’t even photograph the latter. I was therefore happy that during my first visit to the Apenheul this year, the colobus monkeys were outside and played the perfect model.

I’m sharing 5 photos of the King colobus monkeys. They are larger, calmer monkeys. They make big jumps. I don’t think that are very good-looking. They seem to have a chronic bad hair day. They do have beautiful brown eyes and a beautiful look.

The last photo I have edited on a black background and in monochrome.

West-Afrikaanse franjeaap - King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap – King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap - King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap – King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap - King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap – King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap - King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap – King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap - King colobus
West-Afrikaanse franjeaap – King colobus

These photos were taken here:

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