A strong lady

Leeuwin - Lioness

May holidays and nice weather, time for a visit to a zoo. Of course in Germany, because they don’t have holidays there. I choose Allwetterzoo in Münster.

It was wonderful. Very quiet, because it was just far enough across the border not to bump into half of the Netherlands. And I saw beautiful things and was also able to take nice pictures. A great day as far as I’m concerned.

I took a lot of pictures of this beautiful lion lady. She appeared strong and alert. I think she was waiting for food. Meanwhile, she was the perfect model. I photographed her in different poses and from different sides.
Her partner was a little less photogenic.

I share the beautiful strong lady 6 times and the male once.

Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness
Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness
Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness
Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness
Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness
Leeuwin - Lioness
Leeuwin – Lioness


Below the young man with a bad hair day. It doesn’t look like much (yet). A mohawk! The mane has to grow before he can play an impressive king of the beasts. For now, I’m afraid he still has a lot of bad hair days. But there is hope

Leeuw - Lion
Leeuw – Lion

These photos were taken here:


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  1. Nicole says:

    Aww my favourite German Zoo.
    I miss going there. (Cant believe its over 10 years ago since my last visit)
    Beautiful photos! Your description of the young “bad hair day” lion made me chuckle .

    Sending a hello from the island.

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