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Gevlekte hyena - Spotted hyena

Rothschildgiraffe - Rothschild's giraffe (Burgers Zoo)

Vasmangoest - Yellow mongoose (Dierenpark Amersfoort 2019)

Zebramangoest - Banded mongoose (Ouwehands Dierenpark 2022)

Veelvraat - Wolverene (Gaia zoo 2023)

Sitatoenga kalf - Sitatunga calf

Kleine panda - Red Panda (2021)

Kameel - Camel (Allwetter Zoo)

IJsbeer - Polar bear (Blijdorp 2018)

Kamchatkabeer - Kamchatka brown bear (Zoomerlebniswelt 2016)

Rothschildgiraffe - Rothschild's giraffe (Wildlands)

Chapman-zebra - Chapman´s zebra

Syrische beer - Syrian brown bear (Allwetter Zoo)

Lippenbeer - Sloth bear (Naturzoo Rheine)

Mara - Patagonian mara (Dierenpark Amersfoort)

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions

Dikhoornschaap - Bighorn sheep

Syrische bruine beer - Syrian Brown Bear

Somali giraffe calf