Renewed edition

Beautiful weather, but too hot for me. So I switch to a hot weather schedule. Rise early and a siesta in the afternoon. Today it meant a bridge to bridge walk at 7 o’clock in the morning. Wonderful! Rest, nature, cool temperture, feeling good. The bridge to bridge is for me, from the Derksbridge to the Mensinkbridge and back on the other side.

I was only just on my way and then I saw the dragonfly. A dragonfly that hung to dry after the last molting. Very new, slightly green and vulnerable. I’ve been on the ground for three quarters of an hour. Of course I made photos and videos.

One of the first photos. The wings are still somewhat wrinkled and the body is strongly bent.

Dragonfly hangs to dry after the last molting

During the drying process, the dragonfly will stick to the skin of his previous edition to come to a renewed edition of himself. Metamorphosis, as far as I am concerned, one of the wonders of nature.

Dragonfly hangs to dry after the last molting

After three quarters of an hour the wings have already been stretched and the body is more straight. The final color iwill become visible later. I therefore do not know for sure which type this is. It was teeming with keeled skimmer, possibly this one is that too.

Dragonfly hangs to dry after the last molting

A picture with my Samsung Galaxy 7. It’s nice that you can take photos with so much detail with a smartphone.

Dragonfly hangs to dry after the last molting

Short video of the dragonfly.

I hoped he would dry up quickly, but after googling on my cell phone I knew it could take hours. That is why I went on with my walk, but I took the rope pull ferry so that I could see the dragonfly on my way back. And yes, I found it. But I was just a little too late. Just at that moment it flew away, no photo ….

Or maybe I was right on time. A new little wonder of nature. In time to see how it flew into the a new life. A new beginning.

This is its home.

Overijssels Canal between Raalte and Heeten
Overijssels Canal between Raalte and Heeten
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  1. Annette Spijker says:

    Hi Anja,
    Wat een mooie serie foto’s en beschrijving van de ‘gedaantewisseling’ van de Libel.
    Complimenten voor je website. Het ziet er erg mooi uit.

    Hartelijke groet,

    • Anja Wessels says:

      Dankjewel 🙂
      Het mooie van fotografie is dat je dingen ziet en dan uit gaat zoeken hoe het zit. Zo leer je steeds iets nieuws. Ik wist ook niet hoe het precies zat met de metamorfose van libellen.

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