
Roodborstje - Robin (2021)

Yesterday morning I went out early with the camera. No world trip, but just to Park Drostenkamp in our village. The goal was to photograph geese and their chicks. I did that too, but first this robin came into the picture. You couldn’t ignore him. He sang as if his life depended on it and just kept going when I pointed my camera at him. They are usually not very scared. It also seems as if they like to have their picture taken 😉 I have photographed robins before, who sat very patiently and let themselves be admired from all sides.

I also share two older photos. These were zoo visitors, just like me. If I get the chance to photograph animals visiting the zoo, I will. Often they are birds and insects.

Here by, robins 😀



Roodborstje - Robin (2021)
Roodborstje – Robin (2021)




Roodborstje - Robin (2021)
Roodborstje – Robin (2021)




Roodborstje - Robin (2021)
Roodborstje – Robin (2021)




Roodborstje - Robin (2021)
Roodborstje – Robin (2021)




Roodborstje - Robin (2019)
Roodborstje – Robin (2019)




Roodborstje - Robin (2013)
Roodborstje – Robin (2013)



De 2021 foto’s werden hier genomen:

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