The white-lipped tamarin is a small monkey with white lips, red belly and a very long tail. Furthermore, it is black with gray locks. He can jump very well! His weight does not exceed 450 grams. They are about 25 centimeters long and can reach 20 years. “Sanguinus” in its scientific name means “blood.” This refers to the red belly. This tamarin lives in groups of 2 to 13 animals; the composition varies. There is no clear hierarchy. The red-bellied tamarin prefers to live high in trees where it also finds its food: fruits, insects and nectar. There he also sleeps with the whole group. This tamarin is found in Brazil and Peru. The gestation period is 140 to 150 days.
These photos were taken in the Orchideeën Hoeve. Thanks to the Stichting AAP, the red-bellied tamarins and onthere small primates, have been housed in the Amazon Rainforest and other parts of the Orchideeën Hoeve. Stichting AAP is committed to a good future for monkeys and exotic mammals. These animals are often traded illegally or kept as pets. So were these small monkeys. Now they live in the most amazing place.