Vintage photos

Sunday afternoon and still lockdown. I have no new animals photos. Zoos in the Netherlands are still closed. Therefore I’m playing with Photoshop again.

I converted 6 photos to a vintage portrait. I have searched for appropriate animal portraits. What always strikes me with the old portraits is that people often look tense and unnatural. Stiffly upright, no smile, sometimes even frightened.

Here my animal interpretation.



Witte leeuw - White lion
Witte leeuw – White lion








Haan - Rooster
Haan – Rooster




Alaotra bamboemaki - Lac Alaotra bamboo lemur
Alaotra bamboemaki – Lac Alaotra bamboo lemur




Siberische tijger - Siberian Tiger
Siberische tijger – Siberian Tiger




Bauwi, gorilla
Bauwi, gorilla




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