Visiting gnome country

Vliegenzwam - Fly agaric

Yesterday afternoon I went out to photograph autumn. Looking for beautifully colored leaves, pine cones, acorns and especially mushrooms. It wenst to Haarle, the Sprengenberg. That is a beautiful part of the Sallandse Heuvelrug. When I parked the car I thought: ir is so busy! I don’t like that at all, but luckily it wasn’t too bad. Usually I don’t take the marked routes, then you don’t notice it that much. I like to avoid the walking groups with ladies who talk loudly throughout the route and discuss the latest gossip. I also don’t like running, screaming children, barking dogs, etc. The chance that you will photograph something beautiful is gets very small.

The smell of the forest, the colors, it was wonderful. On the whole route I looked for beautiful scenes on the ground.


Van Heek weg - Van Heek road
Van Heek weg – Van Heek road


The mushrooms in the green moss are a beautiful sight. That was exactly what I was looking for.


Paddenstoelen - Mushrooms
Paddenstoelen – Mushrooms


Beautifully shaped pine cones are also worth a photo.


Dennenappels - Pine cones
Dennenappels – Pine cones




Beukenbladeren - Beech leaves
Beukenbladeren – Beech leaves


But then I saw something I hadn’t counted on. Completely hidden in a cove these gnomes. They live at number nine. The laundry is hanging outside. And I thought: they exist! 😉 Nice!


Kabouters - Gnomes
Kabouters – Gnomes




Vliegenzwam - Fly agaric
Vliegenzwam – Fly agaric




Paddenstoelen - Mushrooms
Paddenstoelen – Mushrooms




Sprengenberg, Haarle
Sprengenberg, Haarle




Paddenstoelen - Mushrooms
Paddenstoelen – Mushrooms




Braakrussula - Vomiting russula
Braakrussula – Vomiting russula




Vliegenzwam - Fly agaric
Vliegenzwam – Fly agaric




Vliegenzwam - Fly agaric
Vliegenzwam – Fly agaric


Like icing on the cake, I came across the flock of sheep at the end of my walk. I had a nice chat with the shepherd and petted the dogs. I also took a lot of pictures. That may be a separate blog. It’s a beautiful sight, all those white sheep. And a black one. 😀


De schaapskudde - The flock of sheep
De schaapskudde – The flock of sheep



These photos were taken here:

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