Adult golden cheek gibbons are 60-80 cm long, weigh around 7 kilos and have no tail. Gold cheek gibbons reach an average age of 46 years. The males are black and the females are lighter in color. The young are initially the same color as their mother so that they do not stand out when they are hanging on their mother’s belly. Then the young go black and when they grow up they the female get a lighter coat and the male stay black.
The golden cheek gibbon is found in wooded areas in among others Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Their survival is threatened by hunting. In Cambodia and Vietnam the gibbon is hunted for the pet trade and in Laos as food. Logging is also a problem. In the Netherlands you can see them in Burgers Zoo and Artis. All photos have been made at Burgers Zoo in the last couple of years.
These monkeys look so sweet and good-natured. Sometimes a bit sad, but that is mainly because of the shape of their face. It is wonderful to see how they swing through the trees.

These photos were taken here:
Your work is magnificent. You are a real artist and a wonderful photographer. I come from a family (three generations) of artists, graphic artists, and amateur photographers and try to have a sense of the art of the photograph. What I appreciate the most in your work is your amazing ability to bring out the personality and temperament of your subject.
Are you familiar with the work of Frans de Wall? His work addresses the world of primate psychology and community. It intersects with your natural ability to sense some of this in your work. If you are not familiar with his work, you might check his Facebook page at “Frans de Wall – Public Page, or his Wikipedia biography at “Frans de Wall.” His books are fascinating and filled with wonderful insights for those of us in the species Homo sapiens. Thank you very much for your beautiful pages (especially in your website.
“Een gelukkig nieuwjaar”
Your fan in Orlando, Florida.
Lew Orans
Thank you very much for your kind words Lewis Orans! You’re too kind
About Frans de Wall, I did not recognize his name. I’m not good with names. When I saw his face, I did recognize him. He has been on Dutch TV many times. (He is Dutch, like me.) His name btw is Frans de Waal. Because of your comment I watched several YouTube video’s. Very interesting! Thank you for pointing me in that direction. I might even visit a lecture by him. In March, he gives a lecture about a 1 hours drive from where I live. Thank you again.
Greetings from the Netherlands, Anja
Very cute and great photod
Thank you very much Janessa!
Happy Holidays!
I hope you and your family had a wonderful time .Your pictures are superb and beautiful.
Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful photos and wealth of information with us .
Your photography work is Awesome and Amazing.
Best wishes to you .
Thank you so much Patricia and best wishes for 2020 for you and your family!