
Orchidee - Orchid

In the past 6 weeks I have barely photographed. Because of corona I could go nowhere. I am also busy at school because of corona, because as an ICT I arrange distance teaching. Today I wanted to do something again. And that was allowed inside.

Seven of the orchids I have are in bloom. With a lot of daylight in the room, I was able to get started. The weather is beautiful outside. I have not done photographing and editing flowers in the house for a while. Nice to do it again.

I share some of the photos I took and tinkered with. The photos were edited in Lightroom, Photoshop and Color Efex Pro. Technique: Blending of layers with Bokeh and color, among others.



Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid



Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid



Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid



Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid



Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid



Orchidee - Orchid
Orchidee – Orchid



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