Zoo Amersfoort

Siberische tijgerSiberian Tiger

Today I went to an zoo again. Amersfoort Zoo. The weather was perfect. A wonderful day. Just sharing some photos I made today.

Besides the primates the big cats belong to my favorites. Such a beautiful animal, this Siberian tiger!

Siberian Tiger
Siberian Tiger

The main reason for going to Amersfoort are the chimpanzees. And then one in particular, but that’s another blog. This is Wingu, the youngest of the group.


Of course I also had to take pictures of this little man. He was so cute exploring at the edge of the water.

Hamadryas baboon baby
Hamadryas baboon baby

This lady opened her eyes for a moment. Wow 🙂


Last but not least this “beauty”. She has the same curls as me. This relative of the stork is really the very ugly duck in the family. 😛

Marabou stork
Marabou stork
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