
Orangoetan - Orangutan

Last week I went to Zoom Erlebniswelt in Gelsenkirchen. For the first time since I had a serious fall in early May. The feeling in my leg has still not fully recovered, but fortunately everything is functioning properly. So with a damaged leg and damaged camera and lens a new attempt at taking photos in this beautiful zoo. So zooming in, in Zoom.

Like all animal enclosures in Zoom, the orangutan enclosure is beautiful and very spacious. Both the indoor and the outdoor living area. You can walk around it on all sides and take pictures everywhere.
The apes are active and looking good. I was being watched by them. That’s why I have several photos where they look at me. Beautiful! I thought at the time. And I think I still feel that, but…


Orangoetan - Orangutan
Orangoetan – Orangutan




Orangoetan - Orangutan
Orangoetan – Orangutan




Orangoetan - Orangutan
Orangoetan – Orangutan


Editing this photo and seeing this look made me think again. Primates’ facial expressions are different from us humans, I know. Still, I see a pensive look in this. A very intelligent animal in a zoo. Can this be? Is this allowed? Can we lock up these beautiful creatures? Even if in this case it is in a zoo that do everything to give them a fantastic life.


Orangoetan - Orangutan
Orangoetan – Orangutan


Jane Goodall, in a lecture I attended, shared this about chimpanzees in zoos:
If I assume a good zoo, where animals are well cared for and have a good home, then chimpanzees are probably better off in a zoo right now. They are safe and protected. They play a role in education and awareness of people, especially children. Then they are prepared to protect the animals. Above all, we must also protect and support animals in the wild. But a zoo is not wrong.

I agree, but at the end of the day it’s just a locked up animal.
An animal that is safer when locked up, because we humans make life in freedom impossible for them. I do get sad about that. Why?

At the end of the day, a primate in a zoo is this:



Orangoetan - Orangutan
Orangoetan – Orangutan




These photos were taken here:

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