Apenheul in close up

Bao Bao, Gorilla

The last week of my summer holidays, I enjoyed a visit to the Apenheul. The weather was perfect! Not too much sun and not too hot. In retrospect, it was a day when everything worked out. I only see that when I get home, unfortunately. My preferred eye with which I look through the viewfinder is still letting me down. I only see 65% with it. It’s something there are no glasses for and it’s not a cataract. There is a chance that it will go away on its own, but that can take a long time. After months I still see no improvement. I may have to have the risky operation done. Now I can only shoot autofocus and check at home to see if it worked.

Anyway. This time I was happy with the result. I already shared the Emperor Tamarins from this visit. The family with the twins. Now I’m sharing close-up portraits I took that day.

Have fun!

Bao Bao, Gorilla
Bao Bao, Gorilla
Roodbuikmaki - Red-bellied lemur
Roodbuikmaki – Red-bellied lemur
Rode brulaap - Red howler
Rode brulaap – Red howler
Nemsi, Gorilla
Nemsi, Gorilla
Berberaap - Barbary macaque
Berberaap – Barbary macaque
Witgezichtsaki - White-faced saki
Witgezichtsaki – White-faced saki
MFugaji, Gorilla
MFugaji, Gorilla
Rode vari - Red ruffed lemur
Rode vari – Red ruffed lemur

These photos were taken here:

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