Bauwi’s family

Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla

Gorilla photos I made in Burgers Zoo about 10 days ago. I love gorilla’s and their beautiful expressions. This time I did not edit much on the photos. What I did do is photoshop a wound on Bauwi’s face. I felt is was distracting and since it is not there normally, I could remove it.

Bauwi is the silverback in the zoo. An amazing friendly looking guy. But I don’t think it was a good day for him. Besides the wound, I felt he did not look his usual self. He might be sick. I hope not!

Even on a bad day, Bauwi still looks amazing 🙂

Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
Bauwi: Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorilla
Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
Bauwi: Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorilla

This is one of Bauwi’s children. A rather impressive one. At least that is what he/she thought. This was the look at the public. A bit arrogant I think.

Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorilla

And now some other family members.

Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorilla
Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
Makoua: Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorilla
Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
N’Gayla: Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorilla
Westelijke laagland gorilla - Western lowland gorilla
Makoua: Westelijke laagland gorilla – Western lowland gorillanimals
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