Such an itch!

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions

Hi, I’m a cute little California sea lion living in ZOOM Erlebniswelt in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. I’m a happy little thing and I’m ready to lie down and relax with my best friend and her mum. There is only one problem. I have an itch!

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

I’m trying really hard to get rid of it.

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

Oh how I’d like to lie down like my friend and relax. I’m a bit jealous now.

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

I’m scratching and scratching!

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

Sea lions are very good at relaxing and enjoying the sun!

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

I could be dreaming about being strong and proud like my father …

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

or about swimming like a big and strong sea lion.

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

I could also dream about being a beautiful and cute lady like my auntie.

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

But I’m still having that stupid itch. I’ll try some more scratching. I’m not giving up that easily 🙂

Californische zeeleeuwen - California sea lions
Californische zeeleeuwen – California sea lions

You looked at photo’s taken in ZOOM Erlebniswelt in Gelsenkirchen. I took most of them yesterday during a very nice visit there. Some of them are from my first visit to that zoo in June 2016. I hope you’ll like them.

The little sea lion was really itchy. That was probably the result of the shedding. Both youngsters had partly lost their fur and were given a new coat.

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