Spring at Drostenkamp ponds

Grauwe gans - Greylag goose

The ponds at Drostenkamp are kind of the “backyard” of the school where I work. How fantastic is that! Many colleagues walk there at lunchtime. The park is full of all kinds of water birds. And now it is full of spring. It is swarming with geese with young. Graylag geese in particular, but Egyptian geese again this year.

I’m having a very long Easter weekend right now. It started on Wednesday. And on that first day, I immediately went “hunting” for chicks with the camera. And I “shot” a whole bunch of them. Below is a selection of photos from last Wednesday.


Grauwe gans - Greylag goose
Grauwe gans – Greylag goose




Grauwe gans - Greylag goose
Grauwe gans – Greylag goose




Grauwe gans - Greylag goose
Grauwe gans – Greylag goose




Grauwe gans - Greylag goose
Grauwe gans – Greylag goose




Nijlgans - Egyptian goose
Nijlgans – Egyptian goose (2014)




Nijlgans - Egyptian goose
Nijlgans – Egyptian goose


Good bey 😉


Grauwe gans - Greylag goose
Grauwe gans – Greylag goose




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