My Easter weekend lasts a week. You can call it an Easter holiday. That gives me time to take care of a number of things. It’s coming along nicely, but it’s not quite finished yet.
First of all, I updated this website. A new layout and new colours. On some points, I’m still not completely satisfied. I’m unsure about the colors. I also have to create a shop, or a reference to other websites for celling photos. Things can still change again.
Of course, I’m also still sorting out my photos. I am now working on 2015 and 2016. There I came across photos that I made in Artis. Some of it I have already shared. Now I have edited them all again and supplemented them with photos from other years.
The leader of the gorilla group in Artis is Akili. It’s a nice silver back. Several young were born in the group. See below a few photos. Who knows, I may visit the family again soon. Now I’m sharing photos I’ve edited in Lightroom, Photoshop, and Silver Efex Pro 2.

“The contemplation”

“On guard”

Composite, that is, an image of more photos. These are two photos. I have adjusted the background with a photo taken in Blijdorp.

Still so small!

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I enjoyed the photos
Great you liked the photos! 🙂